About Autism

Autistic people struggle with communication and social skills. They frequently struggle to hold conversations and may miss social cues. Some people with autism may not speak at all, while others may speak fluently. All autistic persons struggle with communicating in some way (such as making friends or maintaining relationships at school or work).

People with autism may also have restricted interests or repetitive behaviours. They may be focused on a single topic, such as vehicles or a television show, or they may be associated with a specific object or activity. A person with autism may dislike changes in their routine or the way they do things.

Although the medical world uses the term “autism” to refer to a disorder or disability, many autistic persons consider themselves to be neurodiverse—that autism is a difference rather than a “disability.” It is critical to respect the person with autism and/or their families’ preferences for the services or care they require.

Some people prefer to refer to someone with autism as a “person with autism,” while others prefer to refer to them as a “autistic person” or even “autistic.” Different people prefer different terminology, and each individual should be free to be identified in the manner of their choice.

Autism can last a person’s entire life, and you may never know what caused it. Autism can run in families at times. Some of the possible causes are as follows.

  • Genetic disparities.
  • Differences in brain development or function; and
  • Exposure to hazardous materials or chemicals in the environment.

The severity of autism might depend on how much these difficulties interfere with daily living.


Get information about the symptoms of autism if you believe you or your kid may be autistic.


Autism is not an illness.

You do not necessarily have a sickness or illness if you are autistic. It implies that your brain functions differently from other people’s brains.

It’s a quality that you are born with. Autism symptoms may not be apparent until later in life or may not appear until a child is very young.

If you have autism, you will always have it.

Autism is not a disease that has remedies or a “cure.” However, some folks require assistance with specific issues.

People with autism can lead complete lives.

You may live a fulfilling life despite having autism.

People with autism have both strengths and weaknesses, just like everyone else.

Being autistic does not exclude you from ever having relationships, making friends, or finding employment. But with these, you might require further assistance.

Every person with autism is unique.

An autism spectrum exists. This implies that each person with autism is unique.

Some autistic individuals require little to no assistance. Others might require daily assistance from a parent or carer.

Some individuals refer to autism by other names.

Some individuals refer to autism by different names, including:

  • Autism is referred to medically as an autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
  • Some people use the term Asperger’s (or Asperger syndrome) to refer to autistic individuals with normal or above-average intellect.

More about Asperger’s

There is no known cause of autism.

Nobody is aware of the cause of autism if it really has one.

Even members of the same family may be impacted. As a result, parents may occasionally pass it on to their children.

What doesn’t cause autism is:

• Negative parenting
• Vaccines, such as the MMR shot
• Diet
• A disease that you can transmit to others

Any IQ level can exist among autistic persons.

Some autistic persons are intelligent, even above average.

Some autistic persons struggle with learning. This suggests that they can struggle to care for themselves and require assistance with everyday tasks.

People with autism may also have additional disorders.

People that are autistic frequently also have:

• ADHD is an attention deficit hyperactivity condition (ADHD)
• Dyslexia
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Epilepsy